想入坑SG Cares,可是手机屏幕太小,一跑游戏就变烫,怎么办?使用逍遥模拟器,在电脑的大屏幕上畅快体验!在电脑上下载安装SG Cares,不用担心电池当掉,想玩多久玩多久,顺畅跑一天~全新的逍遥模拟器8,绝对是您体验SG Cares电脑版的好选择。完美的按键映射系统让SG Cares如端游般运行;
透过逍遥模拟器,在电脑上下载SG Cares,享受大荧屏的畅快体验。 Caring starts with you, and me.
Caring starts with you, and me. Be part of the SG Cares Movement and join Singapore’s biggest giving tribe and make a difference one act of care at a time.
With the SG Cares App, it’s become easier for to play our part.
- Explore inspiring stories of givers, causes you care about, and upcoming events.
- Donate or Volunteer to support a cause close to your heart, all at your fingertips.
- Personalise your giving experience with content customised to your preferences, and a personal giving dashboard.
Together, we can make Singapore a more caring and inclusive home for all.
1. 下载逍遥安装器并完成设置
2. 启动逍遥后打开位于桌面上的谷歌商店
3. 在谷歌商店中搜索SG Cares
4. 下载并安装SG Cares
5. 下载完成后点击图标来启动
6. 通过逍遥在电脑上享受SG Cares
Use SG Cares on PC by following steps: