Blockchain Wallet. Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum
Перестаньте турбуватися про надм?рн? витрати, використовуючи ххх на сво?му моб?льному телефон?, зв?льн?ться в?д крих?тного екрану ? насолоджуйтеся використанням програми на набагато б?льшому диспле?. В?дтепер отримуйте повний екран свого додатка за допомогою клав?атури та миш?. MEmu пропону? вам ус? дивовижн? функц??, як? ви оч?кували: швидка установка та просте налаштування, ?нту?тивно зрозум?л? елементи керування, б?льше обмежень в?д акумулятора, моб?льних даних та тривожних дзв?нк?в. Новий MEmu 9 - найкращий виб?р використання Blockchain Wallet. Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum на вашому комп’ютер?. За допомогою нашого поглинання менеджер ?з к?лькома прим?рниками одночасно дозволя? в?дкрити 2 або б?льше рахунк?в. ? найголовн?ше, наш ексклюзивний емуляц?йний двигун може вив?льнити весь потенц?ал вашого ПК, зробити все гладким ? при?мним.
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Насолоджуйтесь чудовим досв?дом гри на ПК за допомогою програми MEMU App Player. Це потужний безкоштовний емулятор Android, який дозволя? вам грати в тисяч? ?гор Android. Blockchain is the OG crypto wallet that has tens of millions of users worldwide.
Blockchain is the OG crypto wallet that has tens of millions of users worldwide. You can buy, sell, hold, send, receive, and earn interest in the wallet brokerage with crypto like bitcoin and ethereum, trade on the exchange, or get data from the most widely used block explorer. is the world’s most trusted platform for transacting in crypto with over 63M wallets created and more than $620B in transactions. Whether it’s trading, earning interest, checking payment status, or lending crypto, offers the most established and widely-used way to invest in cryptocurrency for tens of millions of customers in nearly 200 countries.
The Wallet has two options:
- A non-custodial version, which means that only YOU control access to your crypto and private keys.
- A custodial version that enables you to use all our features like buying and selling, swapping between crypto like bitcoin and ethereum, and transferring to interest accounts where you can earn up to 12%.
The most popular way to buy, sell, and store crypto. The wallet gives you the benefits of trading and earning interest, without surrendering control of your money, unlike competitors.
What’s more, by using the Wallet, you’re supporting the crypto ecosystem by helping ensure the Wallet and the Explorer remain free and openly available to everyone on the planet with internet access like Coinbase,, and Binance.
The Blockchain Wallet allows you access to everything you could hope for in a crypto wallet. Security, endless features, and a user-experience superior to the competition. This functionality separates us from other inferior options and is why you should download the wallet from the Play Store today!
Cryptocurrencies available to buy, sell, hold, send, receive, and swap:
Bitcoin (BTC)
Ethereum (ETH)
Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
Stellar (XLM)
ALGO (Algorand)
USDT (Tether)
USD Paxos Standard (PAX)
We add new and exciting assets like, Chainlink, Polkadot, and defi tokens regularly.
*Use Simple Buy to purchase top crypto like Bitcoin and Ethereum
*Send and receive Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Stellar, Algorand, Tether, and USD PAX instantly to anyone, anywhere in the world
*Earn up to 12% interest on BTC, ETH, USDT, and PAX, XLM, and BCH annually. Note that different interest rates apply for each crypto. Find up-to-date interest rates on our site.
* Borrow USD Digital Today - Get USD Digital directly from your Blockchain Wallet, use your bitcoin as collateral. You need to be Gold level to benefit from this offering.
* Request payments in cryptocurrencies with ease — anytime, anywhere. (includes QR Code support)
* Simple, easy to understand Swap interface makes exchanging crypto fun and a frictionless experience.
* Global wallet supports 8 languages.
Access to Markets
* Seamlessly buy and sell bitcoin in 36 countries and swap one crypto for another with live, best-in-class exchange rates from the safety of your wallet.
* Real-time prices and quotes and historical price charts
* Track transactions and addresses with our state-of-the-art block explorer
* All swaps settle on-chain, so they are more reliable and resistant to fraud than off-chain transactions
* Only you have access to your private keys and your crypto.
* Set 4-digit-pin or biometrically authenticate
* Keep the bad guys out with advanced Two-Factor Authentication
* Your own unique 12-word backup phrase.
With this app, you can create a new Blockchain Wallet or pair your existing web wallet on your mobile device.
Download today for free!
If you have any questions, our best-in-class support team is waiting to assist you at or via Official Social Media Channels:
Twitter: @Blockchain and @AskBlockchain
Facebook: @Blockchain
LinkedIn: /company/blockchain
Instagram: @Blockchainofficial
YouTube: Blockchain
VKontakte: /blockchainru
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1. Download MEmu installer and finish the setup
2. Start MEmu then open Google Play on the desktop
3. Search Blockchain Wallet. Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum in Google Play
4. Download and Install Blockchain Wallet. Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum
5. On install completion click the icon to start
6. Enjoy playing Blockchain Wallet. Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum on PC with MEmu
MEmu App Player ? кращим безкоштовним емулятором Android, ? 50 м?льйон?в людей вже користуються його чудовим ?гровим досв?дом Android. Технолог?я в?ртуал?зац?? MEmu да? вам змогу в?дтворювати тисяч? ?гор Android на вашому комп'ютер?, нав?ть найб?льш насичених граф?кою.
Bigger screen with better graphics; Long duration, without limitation of battery or mobile data.
Full Keymapping support for precise control of keyboard and mouse or gamepad.
Multiple game accounts or tasks on single PC at one time with Multi-Instance manager.
Use Blockchain Wallet. Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum on PC by following steps: