愛玩Runaway girl: Picked up a girl的你,雙手不應該被束縛在智慧手機的小屏幕上。像職業選手一樣用鍵盤和滑鼠來全面控制你的遊戲吧。逍遙模擬器給你提供了你所有的期待。在電腦上下載、安裝Runaway girl: Picked up a girl並盡情遊玩。再也不用擔心剩餘電量、流量消耗和煩人的來電。全新的逍遙模擬器9是你在電腦上遊玩Runaway girl: Picked up a girl的最佳選擇!我们用心準備,完美的按鍵映射系統讓Runaway girl: Picked up a girl宛如電腦遊戲;我們,用嫻熟的技術編程,逍遙多開器讓所有遊戲開好開滿;獨一無二的虛擬化引擎釋放你電腦的全部潛力,一切都入絲般順滑。我們不僅在意你怎樣遊玩,更在意如何讓你享受遊玩的樂趣!
透過逍遙模擬器,在電腦上下載Runaway girl: Picked up a girl,享受大熒幕的暢快體驗。 Runaway girl x Horror x Crying game.
Runaway girl x Horror x Crying game
Living together with a yandere runaway girl
Save the girl with your choices
What future awaits you after you save the runaway girl...
All live commentary and distribution is permitted.
When doing so, please include "Runaway girl: Picked up a girl" in the video title or description.
If you are live commentary on PC, we recommend playing the Unityroom version of "Runaway girl: Picked up a girl".
[Effect of the game]
Empathy and Emotional Connection: By immersing yourself in the story of a runaway girl, you have the opportunity to empathize with her emotions and experiences. She understands her pain and hardships, and the player's efforts to heal her heart create an experience of emotional connection and empathy.
Empowerment and Growth: Players can take on the role of support for a runaway girl and have influence over her life and future. Helping her and watching her grow and her positive changes can give you a sense of self-satisfaction and accomplishment.
Developing Dialogue and Communication Skills: Players will have the opportunity to hone their communication skills when dialogue and communication with Runaway Girls is an important part of the game. Understanding her needs and feelings and choosing dialogue and options to provide appropriate support can improve her communication skills.
Deep Storytelling Experience: Through the story of a runaway girl, players will enjoy a moving and insightful storytelling experience. By unraveling her past and secrets, and accompanying her on her journey of growth and recovery, you will feel the excitement and excitement as the story unfolds.
Awareness and Understanding of Social Issues: A runaway girl themed game provides an opportunity to think about social issues and difficult realities. Players will be able to learn about her situation and reasons for running away from home, and gain a better understanding of the problems runaway girls face and their need for support.
Kindness and Compassion Practices: A runaway girl support game encourages kindness and caring practices. Players have the opportunity to show their own kindness and compassion by standing by her loneliness and distress, providing her with the support and warmth she needs.
Relaxing and Healing Experience: A runaway girl healing game can provide players with moments of relaxation and healing. It often includes pleasant environments and elements such as stories and puzzles to help her, beautiful graphics and music, and the player can experience refreshment and relaxation through the game.
Providing information and resources: A runaway girl healing game may provide information and resources about her and others in similar situations. Not only can players apply the knowledge and information they gain in-game to their real lives, but it can also lead to the provision of support and resources in the real world.
[This work is also recommended for those who know the following works]
Shadow of the Colossus
Life is Strange
Doki Doki Literature Club!
Sakura Wars
Ys: Memories of Celceta
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Tales of Berseria
Gravity Rush
Rune Factory 4
Beyond Good & Evil
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
I Am Setsuna
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
I Am Setsuna
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Nier: Automata
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Fire Emblem: Awakening
"Touhou Project" series
"Persona 5"
"Love Plus" series
"Granblue Fantasy"
"Gyakuten Saiban" series
"Valkyria Chronicles" Series
1. 下載逍遙安裝器並完成設置
2. 啟動逍遙後打開位於桌面上的谷歌商店
3. 在谷歌商店中搜尋Runaway girl: Picked up a girl
4. 下載並安裝Runaway girl: Picked up a girl
5. 下載完成後點擊圖標來啟動
6. 透過逍遙享受在電腦上體驗Runaway girl: Picked up a girl
Play Runaway girl: Picked up a girl on PC by following steps: