Téléchargez Total Battle: War Strategy sur PC
Avec toute la passion que vous avez à jouer Total Battle: War Strategy, vos mains ne sont pas sensées se limiter à l’infime écran de votre téléphone. Jouez comme un pro et ayez le contr?le total de votre jeu à l’aide du clavier et de la souris. MEmu satisfait toutes vos attentes. Téléchargez et jouez Total Battle: War Strategy sur PC. Jouez aussi longtemps que vous souhaitez sans aucune limitation de batterie, de données mobiles et d’appels embêtants. La toute nouvelle version de MEmu 9 est la meilleure option de jouer Total Battle: War Strategy sur PC. Réalisé par nos experts, l’e magnifique système d’affectation de touches prédéfini fait de Total Battle: War Strategy un jeu réaliste sur PC. Le gestionnaire multi-instances de MEmu permet 2 ou plusieurs comptes de jeu sur le même appareil. Et le plus important, le moteur d’émulation exclusif peut libérer le plein potentiel de votre PC, ce qui facilite tout.
Afficher plus
Téléchargez Total Battle: War Strategy avec le simulateur d’Android MEmu sur votre PC. Profitez de jouer sur un grand écran. Build your empire and prepare for war with Total Battle, a multiplayer war strategy game that pits you against enemy factions across ancient civilizations, magic kingdoms and great empires.
Build your empire and prepare for war with Total Battle, a multiplayer war strategy game that pits you against enemy factions across ancient civilizations, magic kingdoms and great empires.
Become immersed in your own world while battling for glory. Enjoy this multiplayer online strategy building game and show off your castle defense skills and tactical war strategies. Command and conquer kingdoms and castles, occupy forts, and feel the rush in this fantasy MMO RTS game.
Battle alongside legendary heroes who’ll defend their territory at all costs and wage war against monsters, barbarians, wizards, elves, and other foes. Build a base and establish a strong tower defense strategy to win all the king’s battles in this medieval strategy war game and become the Lord of all the Kingdoms!
● Build a base for your military, which lies at the heart of your castle
● Progress from guardsmen with basic weapons to warriors and additional troops, including titans, dragons, elementals, and other fantastic beasts
● Defend your empire, eliminate enemy troops, and conquer the world on your behalf
● Summon the best captains to lead your warriors and achieve victory
● Your skills as an empire-builder will determine the future, so do your best
● Strategy games require you to make the right choices for managing the troops in your army—each unit has unique abilities for going to war against monsters and other players
● Dozens of types of magic enemies of different levels
● An MMO 4X real-time strategy game with PvE and PvP modes
● A massive open world with hundreds of kingdoms and millions of lords' castles
● Play alongside dozens of legendary heroes and captains from different civilizations online
● Find unique points of interest on the world map among deserts, forests, and mountain ranges
● Battle through hordes of enemies, abandoned gold mines, battle arenas, and ancient crypts filled with treasure that are just waiting to be discovered!
● Not every strategy will win you a war! Dedication, careful planning, and good management will. Build a strong empire and raise a civilization
● Compete in regular competitions and challenges, putting your skills to the test
● Enhance your tactics with an RPG-style character leveling system
● Your heroes and captains have various skills for dealing with different situations.
● Craft equipment and level up your heroes just like in the best MMORPGs.
● Put your heroes at the head of your legion of troops, earn XP, and win wars!
● Accept the challenge of epic monsters and raise your dragon
● Give him a name and summon him to fight against your most dangerous enemies
● The strength of your dragon will be indispensable when besieging mighty magical citadels
● Battle and play online with different clans
● Play with users from all over the world and fight for battle glory.
● Join a clan of like-minded people, play with friends, and achieve your goals together in this online strategy game.
● Capture territory, climb to the top of the war rankings, and enlist the support of thousands of allies to help you achieve world domination
Total Battle is a war strategy game with various historical epochs: from ancient times to medieval and then to the age of discovery. Join the online battle strategy game, build an empire, and win!
Official Site: https://totalbattle.com/
Customer Service Email: [email protected]
Join a massive community of strategy lovers!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/totalbattle/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/totalbattletacticalstrategy
Afficher plus
1. Téléchargez l'installateur MEmu et terminez l'installation
2. Démarrez MEmu puis ouvrez Google Play sur la page d'accueil
3. Recherchez Total Battle: War Strategy dans Google Play
4. Téléchargez et installez Total Battle: War Strategy
5. Une fois l'installation terminée, cliquez sur l'ic?ne pour démarrer
6. Profitez de jouer Total Battle: War Strategy sur PC avec MEmu
Le lecteur d'application MEmu est le meilleur émulateur Android gratuit, et 50 millions de personnes profitent déjà de sa fantastique expérience de jeu Android. La technologie de virtualisation MEmu vous donne la possibilité de jouer à des milliers de jeux Android sur votre PC sans aucune difficulté, même aux plus gourmands.
L’écran plus grand avec de meilleurs graphismes; Une longue durée, sans limitation de batterie ou de données mobiles.
Soutien du Keymapping pour un contr?le précis du clavier et de la souris ou de la manette de jeu
Plusieurs comptes de jeu ou taches sur un seul PC en même temps avec le gestionnaire de multi-instance.
Play Total Battle: War Strategy on PC by following steps: