With the release of the?final Patch for this year, 2.6,?two rival sisters make their debut on the?Wild Rift. Unlike her sister?Morgana, the Fallen rejects unjust laws and traditions and fights for her own understanding of the real truth. To help her with that mission Morgana is equipped with shields and chains of dark fire. In this guide, we will take a closer look at the best runes, spells, and builds, including tips and tricks to bind your way to victory with Morgana in League of Legends: Wild Rift.
Morgana is a?Mage?that can be played in the?Mid Lane?and as a?support?in the?Dragon Lane.?The reason why she can be played as a support as well is?Morgana′s whole kit which is all about keeping the enemies rooted in one place forever.?This makes her overall a solid A-tier champion and S-tier against an All-engage type of team composition.
Ability Analysis
Morgana is a champion with the common?five?skill sets of?one passive?and?four actives. In this Morgana guide, we are going to see how her abilities in LoL Wild Rift work and when you should use which skill to be in the best shape in the current rank season.
Passive?– Soul Siphon

Morgana heals for?20% of the damage dealt?with abilities against champions, large minions, and large monsters.
Ability 1 –?Dark Binding

Fires a bolt of dark energy, rooting the first enemy hit for?2 seconds and dealing?80 magic damage (+ 90% AP)
Ability 2 –?Tormented Shadow

Curses an area for?5 seconds, dealing?8 magic damage (+ 7%) every 0.5 seconds?to enemies within, increased by up to?170% based on their missing health. Tormented Soil deals?150% damage?against monsters. Tormented Shadow′s current cooldown is reduced by?5% of its maximum?whenever Soul Siphon triggers.
Ability 3 –?Black Shield

Places a barrier around an allied champion for?5 seconds, absorbing?80 magic damage (+ 70%)?and blocking disables while the shield holds.
Ability 4 – Soul Shackles

Chains nearby enemy champions, dealing magic damage equal to?14% (+ 0.02%) of their maximum health. The chains persist for?3 seconds, revealing and slowing by?15% Movement Speed. When the duration ends, chained targets are stunned for?1.5 seconds?and dealt magic damage equal to?14% (+0.02%) of their maximum health.
Skill Up Methods for Morgana
Skill up the?Ultimate?whenever it is available. Regarding other skills, upgrade the?1st skill, then?the 2nd?skill,?and lastly the?3rd?skill.
Best Runes Setup and Spells for?Morgana?in Wild Rift
Runes Setup
- Electrocute: This rune is the standard rune for all mages who deal adaptive damage. Additionally, it will give Morgana′s combo attack with her root and the AoE damage bonus damage.
- Brutal: If you are playing for an early game match you should pick up the Brutal rune instead of?Gathering Storm. Both runes give you additional adaptive damage both for the early phase of the game Brutal has more value.
- Bone Plating: Like the rune before you should pick up any rune from this section depending on your matchup. If you are facing a heavy engaged team composition Bone Plating will shield you against their burst damage. If the enemy relies on poke damage picking up Second Wind is wiser.
- Manaflow Band: Since Morgana is a champion who is bound to a mana bar taking the extra mana is helpful throughout the game.
Battle Spells
Like other mages, Morgana is very immobile and can get easily be caught. Her first and ultimate ability both are good disengage abilities but if they are at cooldown or if the enemy itemizes well it will not guarantee you to be safe. That is why Flash is a must for this champion.
This depends on where you play Morgana and which enemy you face. Usually in the Mid Lane, you would want to take Ignite to secure kills. In Dragon Lane, it depends on the enemy support you are facing. If it is a sustain type of support takes to heal to match their sustain. Will the enemy support take an engage/tank type you are more likely to take exhaust with you.
Best Builds for Morgana in League of Legends: Wild Rift
Mage Build

- Ludens Echo?
- Liandry′s Torment
- Stasis Enchant
- Morellonomicon
- Void Staff
- Rabadon′s Deathcap
Enchanter Build

- Archangel′s Staff
- Stasis Enchant
- Athene′s Unholy Grail
- Liandry′s Torment
- Oblivion Orb
- Rabadon′s Deathcap
League of Legends: Wild Rift Morgana Gameplay Tips
As we figured out Morgana is a?Mage?suited to being played in?the?Mid?or?Dragon Lane. Always remember that the Wild Rift’s Map is a mirror so make sure you understand the map side before starting to lane. According to his gameplay, we can break it down into three phases. Our League of Legends: Wild Rift Morgana guide includes the perfect game plan for the early, mid, and late game.
Early Game

If you play Morgana in the Mid Lane you should focus on farming while pressuring your opponent so he will not roam. If it’s Morgana Support, you should try to prevent the enemy ADC from farming and pressure the enemy support. Try to catch the enemy ADC with your Dark Binding to follow up with your Tormented Shadow ability to maximize your damage output. If you have an ADC with a trapping ability this combo usually secures a kill.
Mid Game
Before the first dragon always pushes your mid-wave into the enemy tower to build up pressure. As support try toward the Dragon′s pit in time so you will know if the enemy team starts the dragon. Other than that try to take out the enemy′s vision with your sweeper. In team fights you have to stand behind the front line because Morgana is quite squishy. Nevertheless, try to bind the enemy ADC and use your combo to poke other squishy enemy′s
Morgana on the battlefield
Late Game
The Late Game is where you have built enough Adaptive Damage or utility to max out your full potential as Morgana. Using your Ultimate is a good engagement for your team to have an upper hand in team fights. Always use your 3rd Skill and maybe a stasis enchants to guarantee your survival since Morgana has to get into the enemy′s team to catch them all. You might want to try specific skill combos like this to unleash her full potential.
Ultimate + Skill 3 + Basic + Skill 2 + Skill 1
Champs that counter Morgana | Champs that Morgana counters |
Ahri | Orianna |
Soraka | Lux |
Lulu | Thresh |
Morgana shines as a Duo with a lot of ADC′s but forms the strongest pairs and serves as Best Combos with?Caitlyn,?Jinx, and?Miss Fortune.
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League of Legends: Wild Rift