GOOD NEWS for Geeks and Programmers!!
Since MEMU Android Emulator 6.0, MEmu supports a new full-functional command MEMUC.?It is designed to replace all other command interfaces like memu, memumanage, memuconsole and adb. So read this article and you will know everything about this powerful command.
memuc supports to manipulate multiple instances (VMs) such as reboot emulator, check status, install apk, run app and etc. First of all, you need to pass over the index or the name of the target VM. For example:
memuc clone -i 0 (or --index 0) //The 1st VM index is 0, 2nd is 1, 3rd is 2 ...
memuc remove -n MEmu_2 (or --name MEmu_2) //The 1st VM name is MEmu, 2nd is MEmu_1 ...
The MEMUC command is divided into four categories:
"emulator management", "emulator configuration", "emulator control", and "adb command":
Emulator management: It mainly involves the startup and shutdown of the emulator, import and export, creation and deletion, running status query, etc. Except for a few operations such as cloning and renaming, there is no need to specify the instance when calling
Emulator configuration: mainly involves the modification of the emulator properties, and the emulator needs to be specified when calling
Emulator control: mainly involves the control of the Android system, such as installing the app, starting/closing the app, disconnecting the network, etc. The emulator needs to be specified when calling
ADB command: It is mainly to package the official adb command-line tool of Android to solve the problem of connecting to a specific emulator (avoid entering a random IP when using a bridge network), and you need to specify the emulator
MEMUC?Reference Manual
[Chapter One] VM Management
Create a new VM
Usage:? ? ?memuc create
memuc create 44? ? //create a certain version of Android
memuc create 51
memuc create 71
memuc create 76? (Android 7.1 64-bit)
Sample:? ?memuc create //Create a new VM
Delete a existed VM
Usage:? ? ?memuc remove <-i vmindex | -n vmname>
Sample:? ?memuc remove -i 0 //Delete the MEmu VM
Clone a existed VM
Usage:? ? ?memuc clone <-i vmindex | -n vmname> [-r nametag] [-t]
[-t] Return without waiting for the end of the task, and get the task id number
Sample:? ?memuc clone -i 1 //Clone the MEmu_1 VM
Export/Backup a VM to a file
Usage:? ? ?memuc export <-i vmindex | -n vmname> <ovafile> [-t]
<ovafile> Export to ova file type
[-t] Return without waiting for the end of the task, and get the task id number
Sample:? ?memuc export -n MEmu_1 c:\1.ova //Export MEmu_1 VM to 1.ova file?in?C drive
Import/Restore a VM from a existed ova file
Usage:? ? ?memuc import <ovafile> [-t]
<ovafile> ova file type
<memufile> memu file type (supported by 7.1.3 version and later)
[-t] Return without waiting for the end of the task, and get the task id number
Sample:? ?memuc import c:\1.ova //Import a VM from 1.ova file in C drive
Start a existed VM
Usage:? ? ?memuc start?<-i vmindex | -n vmname> [-t]
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?[-t] Return without waiting for the end of the task, and get the task id number
Sample:? ?memuc start -n MEmu_2 //Start the MEmu_2 VM
Stop a running VM
Usage:? ? ?memuc stop <-i vmindex | -n vmname> [-t]
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?[-t] Return without waiting for the end of the task, and get the task id number
Sample:? ?memuc stop -n MEmu //Stop the MEmu VM
Stop all running VMs
Usage:? ? ?memuc stopall
Sample:? ?memuc stopall //Stop all the running VMs
List information of all VMs
Usage:? ? ?memuc listvms [--running] [-s]
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?[--running] List information of all running VMs
Sample:? ?memuc listvms //List information like index, title, window handle, status, pid.
Sample:? ?memuc listvms -s //Display disk information
Check whether VM?is running or not
Usage:? ? ?memuc isvmrunning?<-i vmindex | -n vmname>
Sample:? ?memuc isvmrunning -n MEmu_3 //Check whether VM is running or not
Sort out all VM windows
Usage:? ? ?memuc sortwin
Sample:? ?memuc sortwin //Sort out all VM windows
Reboot VM
Usage:? ? ?memuc reboot <-i vmindex | -n vmname> [-t]
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?[-t] Return without waiting for the end of the task, and get the task id number
Sample:? memuc reboot -i 0 //Reboot VM
Rename VM
Usage:? ? memuc rename <-i vmindex | -n vmname> <title>
Sample:? memuc rename -i 0 "MEmu_1" //Rename VM
Check asynchronous task status, like clone, export, import, start and stop.
Usage:? ? ?taskstatus <taskid>
Sample:? ?taskstatus 7baf735f-c877-4836-aaf9-ccca67296a8f //Check the status of task 100, it will return success, running, or failed.
[Chapter Two] VM Configuration
Get configuration data of VM
Usage:? ? ?memuc getconfigex <-i vmindex | -n vmname> <key>
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <key> configuration key name
Sample:? ?memuc getconfigex -i 0 memory //Get the memory size of MEmu VM
Set configuration data of VM
Usage:? ? ?memuc setconfigex <-i vmindex | -n vmname> <key> <value>
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <key> configuration key name
Sample:? ?memuc setconfigex -i 0 cpus 4 //Set the number of CPU core as 4
[macaddress] //Device MAC address
[cache_mode] // Cache mode, 1 is acceleration (good performance, but there is a risk of damage to the image when the power is off accidentally), 0 is stable (the image file is not easy to be damaged, and the performance is slightly worse)
[geometry (x y width height)] // Top left coordinate and size of simulator
[custom_resolution (width height dpi)] // Android resolution and dpi
[disable_resize] // Fixed window size, 1 is fixed, 0 is stretchable
[ssid (uylnhxb557|auto)] // WIFI name (auto stands for automatic generation)
[Chapter?Three] VM Control?(when VM is running)
Install Apk in VM (Android)
Usage:? ? ?memuc installapp <-i vmindex | -n vmname> <apkfile> [-s]
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <apkfile> apk filepath
[-s] Create a shortcut on the desktop after installation (7.1.3 version and later)
Sample:? ?memuc?installapp -n MEmu_1 c:\test.apk //Install test.apk into MEmu_1 VM
Uninstall App from VM
Usage:? ? ?memuc?uninstallapp <-i vmindex | -n vmname> <packagename>
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <packagename> app package name
Sample:? ?memuc uninstallapp?-i 1 com.microvirt.test //Uninstall this app from MEmu_1 VM
Start App in VM
Usage:? ? ?memuc?startapp <-i vmindex | -n vmname> <packageactivity>
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <packageactivity> app main activity
Sample:? ?memuc startapp -i 1 //Start Android settings in MEmu_1 VM
Stop App in VM
Usage:? ? ?memuc stopapp <-i vmindex | -n vmname> <packagename>
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <packagename> app package name
Sample:? ?memuc?stopapp -i 1 //Stop Android settings in MEmu_1 VM
Trigger Android keystroke
Usage:? ? ?memuc sendkey <-i vmindex | -n vmname> <key>
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <key> back | home | menu | volumeup | volumedown
Sample:? ?memuc sendkey -i 0 home //Trigger home key in MEmu VM
Trigger shake
Usage:? ? ?memuc shake?<-i vmindex | -n vmname>
Sample:? ?memuc shake -i 1 //Trigger shake in MEmu_1 VM
Connect internet in Android
Usage:? ? ?memuc connect <-i vmindex | -n vmname>
Sample:? ?memuc connect -i 2 //Connect internet in MEmu_2 VM
Disconnect internet in Android
Usage:? ? ?memuc?disconnect <-i vmindex | -n vmname>
Sample:? ?memuc disconnect -i 2 //Disconnect internet in MEmu_2 VM
Input text to Android
Usage:? ? ?memuc input <-i vmindex | -n vmname> <text>
Sample:? ?memuc input -i 0 "Hello World!" //Input "Hello World!" text into MEmu VM
Rotate VM window
Usage:? ? ?memuc rotate <-i vmindex | -n vmname>
Sample:? memuc rotate -i 0?//Rotate the first VM
Execute command in Android
Usage:? ? ?memuc <-i vmindex | -n vmname> execmd <guestcmd>
Sample:? ?memuc -i 1 execcmd "getprop persist.sys.language" //Execute "getprop" command to get Android language in MEmu_1 VM
Change GPS latitude and longitude
Usage:? ? ?memuc setgps <-i vmindex | -n vmname> <longitude> <latitude>
Sample:? memuc setgps -i 0??30.978785 121.824455?//Set current longitude 30.978785, latitude 121.824455
Obtain the public IP address
Usage:? ? memuc -i 0 execcmd "wget -O-"
Zoom in (Supported by version 6.2.6 and later)
Usage:? ? memuc zoomin <-i vmindex | -n vmname>
Sample:? memuc zoomin -i 0?//Zoom in the content
Zoom out (Supported by version 6.2.6 and later)
Usage:? ? ?memuc zoomout <-i vmindex | -n vmname>
Sample:? memuc zoomout -i 0?//Zoom out the content
Get a list of third-party apps in the emulator (supported by 7.1.3 and later)
Usage:? ? ?memuc getappinfolist <-i vmindex | -n vmname>
Sample:? memuc getappinfolist -i 0?//Show the third-party app list of MEmu
Set the value of acceleration of gravity (supported by 7.1.3 and later)
Usage:? ? memuc accelerometer <-i vmindex | -n vmname> <-x xvalue> <-y yvalue> <-z zvalue>
Sample:? memuc accelerometer??-i 0 <-x 0.0> <-y 8.9> <-z 4.5>?//Set the gravity acceleration value to 0, 8.9, 4.5
Create desktop shortcuts for Android applications (supported by 7.2.5 and later)
Usage:? ? memuc createshortcut <-i vmindex | -n vmname> <packagename>
Sample:? memuc createshortcut -i 0?? a desktop shortcut for the Settings app
List all emulator information
Usage: memuc listvms [-i vmindex | -n vmname]?
Sample:? memuc listvms?//List the simulator index, title, top-level window handle, whether to start the simulator, process PID information, simulator disk usage
[Chapter Four] ADB command
Most likely you don't need ADB command any longer because memuc execmd supports most of Android commands. In addition, memuc execmd doesn't depend on ADB server which means more stable. However, memuc adb is still supported just in case you need a specific adb command for some reason.
Usage:? ? ?memuc <-i vmindex | -n vmname> adb <adbcmd>
Sample:? ?memuc -i 0 adb?"remount" //Execute "remount" command through ADB connection
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