#How to Setup Key Mapping?#
Click the Keyboard button on the sidebar after you enter into a certain game. You may follow the below steps to setup keyboard mapping for easy control.
1. Drag the steering wheel ?to the place where the movement key spot locates on the screen. Drag the skill shot key?
?to the place where the skills locate on the screen. It’s usually applied in ARPG game.
2. Drag the WASD steering key to the place where the movement key spot locates on the screen. Drag the Shoot key
?to the place where the shoot key spot locates on the screen. Drag the crosshair key?
to the place where the front sight spot locates. As the name suggests, Shoot and crosshair keys are normally applied in a shooting game.
You may find the menu options to Import or Export your key-mapping config files.
Please read the article to reset and fix keymapping issues
#How to setup Joystick mapping in Android Emulator?#
In addition to the keyboard, you can control your character with joystick easily. Please follow below steps to setup.
EDIT: This is a HOW-TO video about this topic, check it out.
1. Connect the joystick to your PC and open the properties of this device.
2. Press the buttons of the joystick and make sure they respond properly in the properties page.
3. Launch the game in MEmu, and move the gamepad buttons onto the screen. Make sure they correspond properly to the game control keys.
Keymapping teaching-gamepad Video
1.Single key
2.Right Thumb-stick
3.Left Thumb-stick
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