Just League of Legends mobile? Riot released something more

Riot has made it public of its plan of a bunch of mobile games. League of Legends Mobile will be available in 2020 like what we anticipated in our post in May. See League of Legends Mobile? Maybe it’s sooner than you could imagine.

League of Legends Mobile

It will not be the only thing, however, two more games can be found in Google Play store. One is Teamfight Tactics which is known as LOL auto chess and the other is Legends of Runeterra which looks like a card game like HearthStone.

League of Runeterra

If you think that’s all, you are totally wrong. Somethings else has been exposed by the Chinese partner of Riot, Tencent. According to Tencent, there are some other products such as ‘英雄联盟电竞经理’ which means Esports Manager of LOL. It is a strategy game card game, said Tencent. Here’s the gameplay released: Gameplay

In the game Esports Manager of LOL, the user can gather players from different clubs and form a world-class dream team. Though only LPL (Chinese LOL league) teams are available in the Chinese version of it. But it is really something exciting for those who desperately want Faker and Uzi to play in the same team. It is almost an FM(Football Manager) of LOL.

Esports Manager of LOL Uzi

Apart from all the games mentioned above, there’s another new shooting game called ‘Project A’ which is defined as a tactical shooting game. The name reminds us of the shooting game Overwatch made by Blizzard. It is sure that the game is created with different IP instead of League of Legends. Tencent failed to provide more details about it so we can only assume that this shooting game needs some more time.

For anyone knows Chinese: https://lolm.qq.com/news_detail.html?docid=12896391828385539778

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